Editorial Contacts
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Pitches, queries, and submissions
News and Politics: Andrew O’Hehir, Executive Editor, aoh@salon.com; Sophia Tesfaye, Senior Editor, stesfaye@salon.com
Culture: Hanh Nguyen, Senior Editor, hnguyen@salon.com
Science and Health: Troy Farah, Science and Health Editor, tfarah@salon.com
Salon Talks and Salon TV: Lexie Clinton, Executive Producer, aclinton@salon.com
Food: Ashlie D. Stevens, Food Editor, food@salon.com
Life stories: Please submit completed drafts only to Life@salon.com.
Corrections and feedback
Please submit corrections to readermail@salon.com
Contact Joseph Neese, Editor in Chief, joseph.neese@salon.com; Erin Keane, Chief Content Officer, ekeane@salon.com.